Rachel Joy VanRooyen, Handcrafted Jewellery
Mixed-medium Wearable Artwork

Welcome to my website!
It's so nice to connect with you! Scroll down to view a selection of my designs and read my artist's bio. If you see an item on my website that appeals to you, feel free to take a screen shot of it and email me at rachiecando@gmail.com to order it.

Rachel Joy VanRooyen, Artist's Bio
About the Artist
Born and raised in Bruce County, Ontario, I have always enjoyed working creatively with my hands. It was during the summer of 1994, when I was 16 years old that my mother, hating to see me sit around being bored, bought me a book on making jewellery out of polymer clay. From there I progressed to making beads out of paper. Soon I was twisting and hammering wire, molding clay and dying and painting wooden beads. In 2010 I established my own in-home lamp-working studio so that I would no longer be limited to using the glass beads that were available by other artists. Now I could make my own!
Today I am proud to offer a colourful and unique line of jewelry that I like to refer to ‘Mixed-media Wearable Art’.
What is important to me as an artist?​
My designs mainly focus on colour, texture and balance. I carry a number of separate colour groups at a time. I change my colours twice a year to keep my line fun and fresh for myself and for my customers.
It is important to me that my pieces are practical. My jewelry is durable and light-weight. My ear-wires are sterling silver, so they are safe for sensitive ears.
I am largely self-taught with the exception of courses in lamp-work and metal work.
I am involved in up to thirty art and craft shows across Ontario each year. See a full listing of my of current schedule under the coming events tab at the top of this page. If you'd like to purchase an item you see in the gallery, feel free to send me a screen shot at rachiecando@gmail.com to order it.
I am always evolving as an artist. Learning new skills fills me with a sense of pleasure and anticipation. I look forward to taking new directions with my designs.